Frequently Asked Questions
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Why isn’t IP-to-Location 100% accurate? | IP geolocation has been called “part art, part science” for several important reasons. First, there is no “ground truth” in IP-based geolocation that ties IP addresses to physical locations. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) assign dynamic IP addresses when users access the internet, and the precise accuracy of that location may depend on how they assign IP addresses to users. Unvalidated registry data may lead to some inaccurate listings. Even things like inconsistent naming conventions can cause some inaccuracies—especially in cities. Challenges with latency measurements can make granular location data difficult in cities as well. With all of these challenges in mind, however, IP-based geolocation can still deliver accurate location data. Yes, IP-based geolocation won’t deliver the most accurate location data every single time. It may not be able to provide a user’s location within one or two feet but it can still provide good enough accuracy for many needs. |
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Why do the data on Google Analytics or other analytics app still show visitors from a blocked country? | Due to Google Analytics (and other analytics apps’) visits logging mechanism, all visiting attempts will still be recorded in the analytic report. Rest assured that those logs are just visiting attempts that got blocked immediately by Blockify. |
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Your app is not working, it blocks regions that are not on blacklist. | You need to check whether you have the Proxy & VPN block feature enabled or not. If you have this feature enabled, I would answer that the reason is because IPs are using a VPN and spoofing the countries that are on your blacklist. If you do not turn on the Proxy & VPN feature, please contact us via email at [email protected] so we can check and fix it for you. |
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Why did I turn on 4G, 5G to access my store on Safari, and your app blocked me even though I did not add my IP to the block list? | With the Safari browser, the network to connect with cellular data will go through iCloud Private Relay. Once you turn on 4G or 5G on your device, the iCloud Private Relay will change the IP address to a VPN. It means if you turn on the Proxy and VPN blocker of Blockify, you will be blocked since it is a VPN. To prevent this case, we highly recommend you turn on the option Allow iCloud Private Relay on Proxy and VPN blocker settings. |
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How does the Proxy and VPN Blocker feature work? | The Proxy/VPN Blocker feature enables you to automatically block every visitor who uses Proxy or VPN to access your store, depending on their IP addresses. When you turn on the Proxy/VPN Blocker feature, each time a visitor comes to your store, their IP address is checked using the‘s database. assesses the ISP and other factors of the provided IP address and provides a security rating for our application. If the security rating is below the average threshold (risk score from 67 to 100), the visitor’s access will be denied. Read more about Risk Score. |