Blockify Fraud Filter & Blocker

to secure your Shopify store

Block IP address, block country, reduce fraud, filter block bots, fraud orders using a Proxy, Tor & VPN connection by geolocation

Discover Why We’re the Best Choice for Your Business

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Reduction in Fraud and harmful access

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$50 Millions

Saved in Chargedbacks, Disputes and Reputation

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Time saved on Online Fraud & Bot Issues

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Have used Blockify to protect their websites

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Blockify is the #1 solution for fraud prevention and protecting your store

Protect your store now

Listen to Our Real Merchants

What Makes Blockify Different?

Discover the simplicity of setup and rapid results with Blockify's seamless integration for your Shopify store.

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Advanced Block

Control site access by blocking IPs, countries, and ISPs, and filter out fraudulent and bot traffic, ensuring your website is open only to real buyers, maximizing the value of high-converting clicks

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Insightful Visitor Analytics

More than a simple blocking tool, Blockify provides in-depth visitor analytics, enabling you to monitor traffic, address fraud risks, and enhance store security

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Smart & Easy Rules

Blockify offers a comprehensive set of block and redirect rules that are easy to implement. Get total control over your store’s incoming traffic, allowing you to customize and grow your store effortlessly.

Block & Redirect with Ease of mind

Gain unmatched control and customization with Blockify's Block feature, offering a wide range of rules for comprehensive security management.

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Let’s win together ❤️

Quick setup with no coding required. Free and affordable plans make Blockify accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Enhance Competitive Advantage

Enhance your content security with Blockify’s anti-copy feature, designed to protect your intellectual property.

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Stand out features

  • Copy Protection: Prevent unauthorized copying of your site’s content with robust anti-copy measures.
  • Right-Click Disable: Stop spying by turning off right-click on your site.
  • Shortcut Restriction: Further secure your content by disabling keyboard shortcuts.