This article helps you to validate shipping addresses and block orders with PO box addresses. With the Checkout validation rule, you can prevent failed deliveries, reduce shipping complications, and save on potential re-shipping costs.
- Avoid shipping issues: Ensure that orders are sent to physical addresses, preventing delays or failed deliveries caused by PO box entries.
- Save time and costs: Eliminate the need for customer follow-up to request a valid address after an order is placed.
- Enhance customer experience: By blocking PO box addresses upfront, you help customers avoid frustrations with shipping issues.
- Improve order accuracy: Maintain higher accuracy in shipping processes and reduce risks of lost packages due to incorrect addresses.
How to set up?
- On the Rule list, click on Create rule button then select “Checkout Validation Rule”.
- In the Rule configuration, select “PO Box address” as the condition
- Choosing “contains” requires an exact match with the PO box address (e.g., “PO Box”, “P.O. Box”, “Post Office Box”)
- Set up the “Error Message” that will be displayed if the address does not meet the specified criteria. Define the content of the error message to clearly inform the customer of the issue.
- Finally, configure the position of the message on the checkout page to ensure it is visible and user-friendly.
Another way:
- Navigate to the Use case tab
- Select Validate PO Box address case (we have filled the value that you need to validate with PO Box address). Enter another value (if any).
- Customize the Error message and select the Position to display its
- Save the rule
If you need any assistance while setting up the rule, feel free to chat with us via pop-up chat on the right-bottom corner or contact us via email [email protected]. We are here to support you 24/7.