
The Translation feature allows you to customize text, labels, and buttons in multiple languages to meet your shop’s language requirements.

Step 1: Access the Translation Feature
  1. Translation Tab: Select the Translation tab in the app menu.
  1. Add Language: Click on the Add language button to start creating translations.

Step 2: Add a new language

  1. After clicking Add language, a pop-up window will appear.
  2. Select Language:
  • Use the dropdown menu to choose the language you want to add (e.g., Vietnamese).
  1. Confirm
  • Click the Add button to add the selected language
  1. Publish
  • Click the Translate button or the three-dot icon (…), and then select Publish.
    • Once you click Publish, the language will move to the Published languages section. At this point, the language is live and available for you to use.

    Step 3: Set translation

    1. Info

    This section allows you to select the pop-up used to display the translation.

    • Status
      • For example: “Published”
      • Set the translation display status in the provided field.
    • Pop-up
      • For example: “Age Verification Pop-up 1”
      • Select the appropriate pop-up from the dropdown list to apply the translation.
    1. Text customization

    Adjust the main heading and sub-heading texts displayed in the verification form.

    • Heading text
      • For example: “WELCOME TO SHOP”
      • Input your custom heading text in the provided field for translation.
    • Sub-heading text
      • For example: “You must be at least 18 to visit this site.”
      • Enter your desired sub-heading translation.
    1. Button customization

    Customize the labels for button and error messages in this section.

    • Submit button label
      • For example: “OK”
      • Add the translated text for the submit button.
    • Cancel button label
      • For example: “CANCEL”
      • Input the translation for the cancel button.
    • Validation date error message
      • Add the translated error message text for invalid date entries.
    1. Label customization

    Modify the labels for months as needed to suit your language preferences.

    • Month label
      • For example: “January”
      • Enter the translated month name for your language. Use the + Add button to include translations for other months.