The Checkout verification feature ensures that customers meet the minimum age requirement before purchasing age-restricted products.
Navigate to the Checkout verification section.
- Infor banner
An informational banner can be displayed to remind customers about the age restriction.
Step 1: Click the Customize button under the Info banner section.
Step 2: Select the banner status to Enable/Disable
Step 3: Choose where to display the banner
- Always: The banner is shown to all customers.
- Specific Collection: Display the banner only for selected collections.
- Specific Product: Display the banner only for selected products.
Step 4: Customize the message that prompts customers to verify their age.
Example: “You must at least 18 years old to buy this product.”
- Checkout verification
Customers are asked to verify their age by checking a box or entering their date of birth during checkout.
Step 1: Click the Customize button under the Checkout verification section.
Step 2: Select the status to Enable/Disable.
Step 3: Input the minimum age customers must meet to complete a purchase in the Entry age field.
- Example: Enter 20 if customers need to be at least 20 years old.
Step 4: Choose one of the following options under Target.
- Always: Apply age verification to all products without conditions.
- Specific Collection: Apply age verification to selected collections only.
- Specific Product: Apply age verification to selected products only.
Step 5: Select the method customers will use to verify their age under Configuration.
- Checkbox:
- Enter the message that will appear next to the checkbox in the Text field.
Example: “I’m over 18 years old.”
- Select the color associated with the checkbox message.
Example: Choose Success (green) to indicate that the customer has successfully confirmed their age.
- Date of birth
- Select the format in the Date order dropdown which customers should enter their date of birth.
- You can choose between:
- YY,MM,DD: Year, Month, Day
- MM,DD,YY: Month, Day, Year
- DD,MM,YY: Day, Month, Year
- YY,DD,MM: Year, Day, Month
- MM,YY,DD: Month, Year, Day
- DD,YY,MM: Day, Year, Month
- Customize the message that will prompt customers to enter their date of birth in the Heading field.
Example: “Enter your birth of date.”